Having The Formula for Predetermined Profits | Coach Paul Manieri

7 Week Masterclass

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Take time to focus on your business and register for the very affordable 7 Week Masterclass. You’ll Gain the wisdom and confidence to overcome any obstacles (no matter how big they might seem) that are standing between you, your company’s sustainable profits, and your dreams.

7 Profit-Focused Classes

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WHY desire BEing In Business

Before You started the business you had a dream or hallucination of what is possible. Paul's Masterclass enables you to identify the driving force behind your motivation, influence, or aspiration.

  • Core Analysis of Vision and Mission
  • Proven breakthrough strategies from more than 750 surveys / case studies
  • Strong Foundation for Unlearning and Learning what Matters Most
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FAITH matters in Mindset

Your COMPELLING Vision keeps your focus on creating the best sales plan, but what is your Attitude and Mindset for success in the marketplace.

  • Faith is the starting point of accumulations of riches
  • Influencing others begins with Knowing Thyself
  • We will overcome Logic and Reason to Be The Solution
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HABITS of Leadership

Showing up requires the discipline to Sit Quietly and Practice Leading yourself.

  • Influence is Leadership - You See Value and Shape the Future
  • Servant Leadership - Engage and Develop Unstoppable Energy
  • Value Results over excuses and Prioritize Relationships
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Predetermined PROFITS | Simple Math

The success of your business depends on more than hard work. Smart Systems applied to a Proven Formula of Predetermined Profits creates Wealth for you and others.

  • When the plan doesn’t work, are you prepared for Change?
  • Break-even Analysis and understanding your unlimited resources
  • The bottom line is really the Top Line PROFIT.
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SALES fuel the Machine

Paul's Masterclass is based on thirty years of Inc 500 Growth-type Experience. He will empower you (and your team) to create and drive the best sales plan and place you ahead of the competition in the marketplace with innovation and security.

  • Proven strategies that work in everyday real-life scenarios
  • Effortless planning for time constrained people who desire fast returns
  • High success rates for those who are committed
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People Power the Vehicle

Confidence in your people and your business model requires Coaching Your ‘Self’ and others for the Good of All.

  • Applying Gallup's Strengths-based Culture tunes your organization
  • Effective utilization of Human Capital is the edge all top companies have
  • Fertilizing the Field of Your Dreams with Leaders within your Network
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Success loves speed and acceleration requires only a few key triggers to start the motion of your business and team in the right direction...

  • Leading your people with the story and consistently casting the vision
  • Certain of Your Living People Enterprise and equipped to adapt
  • Balanced Action that Creates Sustainable Growth and Healthy Options

Limited-Time Offer

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For a limited time only, I am offering my 7 week Formula for Predetermined Profits Masterclass at a reduced rate. Register today to take advantage of the savings and elevate your business.

$499 Regularly



With Paul's Masterclass You Will...

  • Gain the wisdom and confidence to overcome any obstacles
  • Feel empowered to face any fears or limiting beliefs, that up until now, have been holding you back
  • Tune into the power that's breathing you and seeking your success, so you can finally create a business, and a life you would love living

This Masterclass Is Not...

  • This is not a pie-in-the-sky, this is REAL. There's not a whole lot of people that really understand this, and certainly no one understands it like Paul Manieri does
  • This is not a get-rich-quick-scheme. This Masterclass will supply you with real-world, actionalble takeaways
  • This Masterclass does not guarantee results. Results are driven by an individuals personal efforts

Your Instructor

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Paul Manieri

Catalyst, Coach, Executive Mentor and Facilitator

Paul Manieri, was the founder of Atlas Coaching & Development Group and is currently CEO of Paul Manieri International. Since 2001, Paul has been a Catalyst, Coach, and Executive Mentor to and facilitator for Corporations, Entrepreneurs and SMB owners primarily through the International Coach Federation, Global Leadership Consortium and World Business Executive Summit (WBECS). Paul encourages and empowers Intentional Leadership Talent and assists in transforming cultures by identifying core values of its Mission and enrolling people in the Vision of the organization according to their gentle strengths.

"Paul is Passionate about coming alongside of you to help you maximize your best life now."

Erick Adams - Lead Pastor, First Alliance Church

Questions and Answers

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  • Q

    What happens after I register ?

  • A Upon registration you will receive a calendar invite to your email address which includes the meeting information for our virtual course. There will also be supplemental documents for reference.
  • Q

    Is the course guaranteed, can I ask for refunds ?

  • A Of course, the course is 100% guaranteed which means you can ask for a refund anytime and receive the full reimbursement of your money. So your investment is risk free.
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    Are you sure the content is genuine ?

  • A This training course stands on its own with original content based on real life case studies conducted by certified business analyst Paul R. Manieri.
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    What happens after I complete the course?

  • A Put the information into practice! Start there. I then have higher level courses that you can sign up for that build off of this course and expand into deeper philosophy and education.

You must focus on reasonable profit as a cost of doing business. Not just occasionally. But consistently… Year In - Year Out. No matter the economy or environment of circumstances.

Paul Manieri - Catalyst and Coach to CEOs